Monday, January 10, 2011

[Day 010] The desperate day

Today, after very tiring day at work, i am getting desperate for another shot. I have vow to take at least a picture  a day with this project. At 21:00 I still have no idea what to shot. Browsing my DVD collection suddenly it hit me "why not take a picture of my DVD collection"  So as I am setting up the camera and positioning the speedlite, I dropped my key. Since i have not yet have idea how to position my DVD, I guess just take a picture of key. So here's what I came up with. Quite bland and distasteful, I know.
Stand alone key

Sunday, January 9, 2011

[Day 009] The new filter day

Yesterday 08 Jan 2011, I was introduce to a new filter called ND8. This filter is to limit overall light from entering lens. It's best to use for landscape photography. Since I am scheduled to join a landscape outing on 15 Jan 2011, I went on and buy this ND8 filter. Back home I test the new filter on my 50mm. Here's what I came up with. Apparently love is still my theme.
A definition of love